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Green Tourism

Find below the links to our policies
Our Sustainability Policy
Our Feedback Form
Training & Development
Green Purchasing Policy
Local Charities
Activities and Attractions
Customer & Staff Health / Protection
Team Mental Health and Wellbeing
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
Green Action Initiatives and Action Plan
Local Ecological Projects
Low Carbon Activities
Local Public Transport
Local, Organic & Sustainable Food & Drink Recommendations
(All vegetarian friendly)
Planting and Maintenance of Biodiversity
Report on results of biodiversity
Energy Management Plan
Monitoring Waste
Mini Risk Assessment
Our Green Story - Our Sustainability Policy
For a long time I have been interested in sustainable structures embedded in nature. In particular I have been inspired by Scandinavian treehouses. When looking for a company to build Cheriton Treehouse I was impressed by Bowerhouse Construction’s use of local materials that require traditional craftsmanship and the latest environmentally-conscious technologies. Driven by my strong sustainability principles, my goal was to build a treehouse that would have a minimal design impact and would heighten the beauty of the surrounding landscape. 
Green Social Media
  • We regularly share green information on social platforms and tag in Green Tourism
  • We follow Green Tourism on social and like and share their posts and get involved with their online campaigns
Instagram: treehouse_cheriton
Facebook: Cheriton Treehouse
Twitter: CheritonTreeho1
Pinterest: Cheriton_treehouse
LinkedIn: Cheriton Treehouse
Customer Feedback - Our Feedback Form
  • We include questions about green issues in our feedback form
  • We undertake regular surveys of our customers that contain green questions
Awareness Training - Training & Development
  • All our team are aware of green issues, have had green awareness training and are regularly updated in green protocols for the treehouse
  • We ensure we keep the team up to date with green issues and have regular communication/meetings to review our progress
Green Action Plan - Green Action Initiatives and Action Plan
  • Our Green Action Plan is reviewed regularly and shared with the team
  • Our Green Action Plan has quantifiable targets, objectives and timelines
Green Purchasing Policy - Green Purchasing Policy
  • We have a Green Purchasing Policy that ensures we always purchase the most eco-friendly options
  • We screen all our suppliers for their commitment to sustainability
Maintenance Regime
  • We have a set of checks and maintenance activities that are made regularly to pick up any faults
  • All equipment is serviced regularly and to manufacturer recommendations
Specialist Advice
  • We have had specialist sustainability advice from an arborist within the last 3 years. The arborist advised on how to look after the tree which the treehouse is built in, how to ensure the treehouse doesn't damage the tree and also how to protect the wildlife in and around the tree
  • We have had specialist sustainability training within the last 3 years in relation to preserving the tree of the treehouse and the pond and surrounding environment
Community - Local Charities, NHS
Local Heroes, Social Projects, Community Environmental Projects, National & International Charities/Projects
  • We support local, regional, national and international social and environmental charities
Health & Wellbeing,  Customer & Staff Health/Protection - Team Mental Health and Wellbeing, Customer & Staff Health / Protection , Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
  • We have put in place measures to enhance our customers wellbeing
  • We have facilities and a programme of activities that are focussed on improving our customers wellbeing
Accessibility Guide & Facilities - Accessibility
  • We have a comprehensive Accessibility Guide on our website
  • We have used an online tool to develop and populate our Accessibility Guide
Ethical Purchasing
  • We regularly buy Fair Trade and other ethically labelled produce and products
  • We have a screening and selection process which ensures we check the ethics of any products and services we purchase
Green Customers
  • We have information on how our customers can reduce their impact whilst they are visiting our destination
  • We have information on how our customers can participate in our green commitment and actions in our business
Cultural Heritage - Activities and Attractions
  • We have general information about local culture and history on our website
  • We have specific information including how to respect and conserve the cultural heritage available for customers
Events/Festivals - Activities and Attractions
  • We have information on our website, social media and onsite about events and festivals happening in the destination
  • We actively take part in local events/festivals
Customers Supporting Local Projects - Local Ecological Projects
  • We have information on local projects/campaigns and encourage customers to support/donate to them
Local Experiences - Activities and Attractions
  • We have researched several authentic local experiences that we provide/promote to our customers
  • We provide/promote itineraries and guides for our customers on aspects of the destination they may not otherwise discovered
Low Carbon activities - Low Carbon Activities
  • We provide/promote low carbon activities and experiences through our website
  • We provide/promote a structured programme of low-carbon activities and experiences
Specialist Educational, Cultural Experiences, Activities - Low Carbon Activities
  • We provide/promote cultural experiences about the destination
  • We provide/promote specialist educational experiences about the destination
Travel, Public Transport - Local Public Transport
  • We have information about public transport and how to get to and travel around Somerset on our website
  • We have specific information, itineraries and incentives relating to public transport for our customers when they visit the treehouse
Electric Vehicles
  • We have installed electric vehicle charging points on site and we have information about charging points in the destination
  • We use fully electric or hybrid electric vehicles in the business and promote the use of electric vehicles to our team and customers
Local Food & Drink - Local, Organic & Sustainable Food & Drink Recommendations(All vegetarian friendly)
  • We provide/promote food and drink that can accommodate special and religious dietary requirements at the treehouse
  • We have information on our website and in our social media posts about special and religious dietary requirements we provide / promote
Ethically/Responsibly Sourced Food and Drink
  • We provide/promote ethically & responsibly sourced and produced food and drink at the treehouse
  • We have information on our website and in our social media posts about the ethically and responsibly sourced and produced food and drink we provide/promote
Vegan & Vegetarian Food options
  • We provide/promote plant-based and vegetarian food and drink at the treehouse
  • We have information on our website and in our social media posts about the plant-based and vegetarian food and drink we provide/promote
Healthy Eating options
  • We provide/promote healthy eating options at the treehouse
  • We have information on our website and in our social media posts about the healthy eating options we provide/promote
Special & Religious Dietary Requirements
  • We provide/promote food and drink that can accommodate special and religious dietary requirements at the treehouse
  • We have information on our website and in our social media posts about special and religious dietary requirements we provide/promote
Biodiversity, Planting & Maintenance for Biodiversity - Planting and Maintenance of Biodiversity
  • We have undertaken planting and maintenance on and off site to encourage wildlife and biodiversity
  • We have monitored the impact of the planting and maintenance we have done/supported and can report on the results
Habitats & Refuges for Wildlife - Report on results of biodiversity
  • We have undertaken habitat and refuge creation on and off site to encourage wildlife
  • We have monitored the impact of the habitat and refuge creation we have done/supported and can report on the results
Conservation of Wildlife and Biodiversity
  • We have undertaken measures to help with the conservation of wildlife and biodiversity on and off site
  • We have monitored the impact of the conservation work we have done/supported and can report on the results
Biodiversity Education & Information
  • We provide education and information about biodiversity on and off site
  • We have a comprehensive programme of education, interpretation and activities relating to biodiversity
Supply Chain for Biodiversity
  • We have a procurement procedure/policy to ensure we are not using products or produce that cause damage to biodiversity in their production
  • We promote our procurement policy on our website, onsite and highlight the issues to our customers as well as a policy not to use or produce harmful products
Monitoring energy use - Energy Management Plan
  • We have an energy management plan in place and monitor our energy consumption regularly
  • We publish/share our energy consumption, targets and achievements
  • At least 50% of our internal and external lighting is LED
  • We have installed systems and procedures to ensure lights switch off automatically or are turned off when not required
  • At least 50% of our appliances are B (or equivalent) rated
  • 100% of our appliances are B (or equivalent) rated
Heating & Hot water
  • We have an efficient heating and hot water system in place and can demonstrate its efficiency rating
  • We use controls, thermostats and other measures to adjust heating and hot water temperatures to be as efficient as possible
Treehouse Fabric and Insulation
  • We have added additional insulation where feasible
  • We have undertaken significant measures to improve the thermal efficiency of the treehouse
Water, Monitoring Water
  • We monitor our water consumption, and check our pipework and appliances regularly to ensure the most efficient use of our water supply
  • We have set targets for water use reduction and actions to improve water efficiency at the treehouse
  • We have individual water meter and the treehouse is designed efficiently for water use
Water Conservation
  • We have installed equipment and appliances that use water as efficiently as possible
  • We have undertaken training to ensure efficient use of water in the operation of the treehouse and we encourage our customers to use water efficiently
Water Quality
  • We have systems and initiatives in place to ensure people don’t flush items they shouldn't
  • We have an approved system in place to deal with any oils and fats
Water Recovery/Reuse
  • We have systems/equipment in place to collect rainwater to use instead of tap/mains water
  • We have systems/equipment in place to recover water from the operations of the treehouse and reuse instead of tap/mains water
Waste, Monitoring Waste - Monitoring Waste , Mini Risk Assessment
  • We have a waste management plan/system and we monitor and measure our waste
  • We publish/share our waste reduction targets and achievements
Avoiding/Reducing/Reusing/Recycling Waste
  • We have initiatives/systems in place to avoid, reduce, reuse and or recycle our waste
  • We have undertaken training on avoiding, reducing, reusing, and recycling and we have relevant information and recycling facilities for our customers to use
Single Use Items
  • We have reviewed and regularly monitor and measure the number of single use items we use and set targets for reduction
  • We have undertaken training and or have information for our customers on the reduction of single use items, or publish/share our targets and achievements in reducing single use items
  • We have information for our customers on the reduction of single use items, and where non-packaged items may be purchase; publish/share our targets  We are signatories to the Somerset Waster Partnership pledge.
Food Waste
  • We have identified where our food waste is being generated and have set targets for its reduction
  • We have undertaken training and implemented systems and policies to avoid and reduce food waste and can demonstrate results
Organic Waste
  • We have identified where our organic waste is being generated and have set targets for its reduction
  • We have undertaken training and implemented systems and policies to avoid and reduce organic waste and can demonstrate results
  • We encourage our guests to buy and cook only as needed and to be imaginative with leftovers and generally to organise food at home efficiently
  • Where possible we use food as fertiliser
  • We encourage donations to food charities in Somerset
Special/Hazardous Waste
  • We have identified where our special/hazardous waste is being generated and have procedures to ensure it is stored and disposed of in accordance with the relevant regulations
  • We have undertaken training and implemented systems and policies to reduce any special/hazardous waste we produce
  • we use green products to avoid the hazardous waste.
Carbon, Monitoring Carbon
  • We have systems to monitor our carbon emissions regularly
  • We have carbon reduction targets and achievements
Carbon Management/Balance
  • We have a Carbon Management Plan which details how we will manage carbon emissions
  • We have initiatives projects we use to help balance our carbon emissions
Renewable Energy
  • We do not use renewable energy yet but we are looking into sourcing at least 50% of our energy is from renewable sources generated on site or through our energy tariff
  • We are looking into investing in renewable energy technology on site so we will know how much energy it has generated and carbon emissions we have reduced
  • We have completed a climate change risk assessment and developed a list of climate change adaptions relevant to the treehouse
  • We have implemented climate change adaption measures and developed operational policies relating to adaption
Chemicals, Cleaning Products/Systems
  • We are using cleaning products that are approved for use against COVID-19 and we are regularly reviewing them to source ones that are also not damaging to the environment
  • We are using cleaning products and systems that are approved for use against COVID-19 and are also not damaging to the environment
  • We are using washing products and regimes that are approved for use against COVID and we are regularly reviewing them to source ones that are also not damaging to the environment
  • We are using washing products and systems that are approved for use against COVID and are also not damaging to the environment
Hand Soap and Toiletries
  • We use soap and toiletries that are paraben free
  • We use soap and toiletries that are organic, and do not contain unsustainable palm oil or SLS
  • We avoid the use of herbicides and pesticides where possible
  • We have undertaken training and sourced ethical and environmentally friendly products to deal with weeds and pests
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